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Tools of Excellence Empty Tools of Excellence

Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:02 am
Tools of Excellence 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f735f73534b79306d6445524c49773d3d2d313432373330353234392e313762393731353536306232323636333637363239333736363335312e676966

Tools of Excellence

An Adept's Tools of Excellence refer to what they have at their disposal in pertinence to utilizing reishi in means that aren't relative to Soul's Will. This thread covers their mediums for it as well as the manners in which they explore & utilize previously mentioned expressions of its application.

Tools of Excellence Noctis-lucis


On top of serving as a medium, an Adept's Armament allows them to utilize their reishi-firing niche more consistently. Mechanically, it allows an Adept to take reishi attacks typically of a technique basis and simplify them enough to repeat them, using their Armament as a catalyst regardless of whether it's a close-ranged weapon or ranged. This distinguishes itself from Specialization-to-Specialization and can fire a pre-defined form of a small-scale, reishi-based projectile (daggers, arrows, bullets, crescents, bolts, needles, lasers etc.), but never changes what type of projectile it releases once the specific Specialization (or in other words, Armament technique) has been decided, and lacks any special properties aside from varying modifiers, or passive(s) granted by their Affinity.

Techniques with an Armament, aside from how they wield the weapon in question, allow an Adept to pump them with excess reishi, inflating the scale of their munitions or further weaving their Affinity's properties into their attacks. Due to the still relatively 'loose-leaf' nature of their reiryoku when expended through Armaments, they are permitted freedoms with the 'shape' of substances, such as fire or electricity, allowing them to release them without adhering to their inherent properties. In addition to this, heavier expenditures of reiryoku manifest large bursts or crystalline, defensive-lathering that can double as an extender of one's Armament, as well as conduct the superior applications of Soul's Will upon reishi separate from an Adept's own.

At the height of familiarity with an Armament, an Adept can render a singular Specialization of theirs Sacred, allowing them to add empower the scale of fired munitions (swords, larger arrows, waves etc.) & apply minor properties to them, as well generate duplicates of the reishi-based form of the Armament itself.

Tools of Excellence Ffxv-noctis


Sub-Tools, also known as Sub-Weapons are the other reishi mediums accessible to Adepts. All religiously connotated (except for the Edelweiss' silver tubes), they are usually small items like the Noragami's crosses, the Yuurei's paper talisman or most commonly the ofuda proliferating the hands of Adepts housed in Zenchou. Sub-Tools are prepared by taking any small item that is easily able to be acquired again and suffusing it with massive amounts of reiryoku. When taken into battle, these Sub-Tools are used as explosive incendiaries due to the absurd concentration, or short-lived 'warding' releases of reiryoku that can dampen the force of oncoming attacks.

Using multiple allows an Adept to set up formations, techniques that utilize either of the above with a heightened & more precise application. They aren't very versatile though, and while compatible with some Affinities, aren't as valuable for non-familially derived Adepts as Armaments due to doing the bare minimum in supplying destructive power or utility.
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